There and Back Again competition entry

extras.R 1.5KB

  1. extracss <- "
  2. html, body {
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  6. #map {
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  10. left: 0;
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  54. "
  55. attribhtml <- '
  56. <a href=""
  57. title="A JS library for interactive maps">Leaflet</a> | <a
  58. href=""
  59. title="Source data">
  60. StatsNZ</a> | <a href="" title="Hire me!">
  61. Petra Lamborn</a> | Numbers subject to <a
  62. href="
  63. confidentiality-of-info-supplied-to-snz/safeguarding-confidentiality.aspx"
  64. title="A method of preserving confidentiality and anonymity">
  65. random rounding</a>
  66. '