library(shiny) library(shinyjs) library(leaflet) library(rgdal) library(dplyr) library(leaflet.extras) library(shinyWidgets) source("leafletfunctions.R") source("extras.R") # work_travel <- read_csv("../travel-work.csv") load(file="datasets.RData") shpf <- readOGR(dsn="sa20025WGSfilcth") <- shpf@data$SA22018_V1 %in% work_to$work_code <- shpf@data$SA22018_V1 %in% work_from$res_code transport.t <- c("Work at home", "Private car", "Company car", "Carpool", "Bus", "Train", "Bicycle", "Walk", "Ferry", "Other", "None/Unknown") edu.t <- c("Drive self", "Passenger in car", "Walk", "Bicycle", "School bus", "Public bus", "Train", "Ferry", "Study at home", "Other", "None/Unknown") cols.labs <- c(transport.t[1:10], "Total") <- c(edu.t[1:10], "Total") codelist <- shpf@data %>% mutate(sa2_code = as.numeric(as.character(SA22018_V1))) %>% select(sa2_code) startcols.res <- codelist %>% left_join(work_from, by = c("sa2_code" = "res_code")) startcols.res <- tencols[startcols.res$MAX] startcols.res <- ifelse(, "#808080", startcols.res) <- codelist %>% left_join(work_to, by = c("sa2_code" = "work_code")) <- tencols[$MAX] <- ifelse(, "#808080", startcols.edures <- codelist %>% left_join(edu_from, by = c("sa2_code" = "res_code")) startcols.edures <- tencols[startcols.edures$MAX] startcols.edures <- ifelse(, "#808080", startcols.edures) <- codelist %>% left_join(edu_to, by = c("sa2_code" = "edu_code")) <- tencols[$MAX] <- ifelse(, "#808080", hrstr <- "
" # Define UI ui <- fluidPage( useShinyjs(), leafletjs, tags$style(type = "text/css", extracss), leafletOutput("map"), absolutePanel(top = 10, right = 10, id="mapcontrol", div( radioButtons("radioeduemp", label = "Commuters (age 15+) travelling to", choices = c("Employment", "Education"), inline = TRUE), radioButtons("radioinout", label="Show commuters who", choiceNames = list( HTML("

Commute from selected area

"), HTML("

Commute to selected area

")), choiceValues = list( "res", "work" ), inline = FALSE), radioButtons("radiocolour", label = "Colour by", choiceNames = list( HTML("

Most common commute method

"), HTML("

Number of commuters

") ), choiceValues = list( "type", "number" ), inline = FALSE), div(class="locinfo", htmlOutput("lochtml")), div(id="loc2"), htmlOutput("secondarylochtml")) ), absolutePanel(top = 25, right = 10, id="control2", materialSwitch("controlswitch", value=TRUE, right=TRUE, inline=TRUE, status="info")), absolutePanel(bottom = 26, right = 10, id="loading", p("Loading...")), absolutePanel(bottom=26, right=10, left=10, top=10, id="infopanel", infotext), absolutePanel(bottom=10, left=10, id="infobuttoncontainer", prettyToggle("mapinfobutton", label_on = "Info", label_off = "Info", icon_on=icon("times"), icon_off = icon("info"), animation = "pulse", inline = TRUE, status_on = "danger", status_off = "info") ) ) # Define server logic server <- function(input, output) { sel.SA2.code <- reactiveVal(0) attribupdate <- FALSE mouseover <- reactive({ lastover <- input$map_shape_mouseover$id lastover <- ifelse(is.null(lastover), 0, lastover) lastout <- input$map_shape_mouseout$id lastout <- ifelse(is.null(lastout), 0, lastout) ifelse(lastout == lastover, 0, lastover) }) output$map <- renderLeaflet({ leaf <- leaflet(shpf, options = leafletOptions(minZoom = 3, maxZoom = 13)) %>% addPolygons(color="#000", opacity = 1, weight=1, fillColor = startcols.res, layerId = ~SA22018_V1, label = shpf@data$SA22018__1, fillOpacity = 1) %>% setView(174, -41, 6) %>% addResetMapButton() %>% addLegend(position = "topleft", colors = c(tencols, "#808080"), labels = transport.t, opacity = 1, title = "Commute method") shinyjs::hideElement(selector="#loading p", asis = TRUE, anim=TRUE, animType = "slide", time=10) leaf }) updateMap <- function() { shinyjs::showElement(selector="#loading p", asis = TRUE, anim=TRUE, animType = "slide") selcode <- sel.SA2.code() selcode <- ifelse(, 0, selcode) psel <- selcode %in% shpf@data$SA22018_V1 if (input$radioeduemp == "Employment") { if (input$radiocolour == "type") { if (input$radioinout == "work") { fcols <- if (psel) { codvs <- work_simp %>% filter(work_code == selcode) codvs <- codelist %>% left_join(codvs, by=c("sa2_code" = "res_code")) codvs <- tencols[codvs$MAX] fcols <- ifelse(, "#808080", codvs) } } else { fcols <- startcols.res if (psel) { codvs <- work_simp %>% filter(res_code == selcode) codvs <- codelist %>% left_join(codvs, by=c("sa2_code" = "work_code")) codvs <- tencols[codvs$MAX] fcols <- ifelse(, "#808080", codvs) } } lp <- leafletProxy("map", data = shpf) %>% setShapeStyle(layerId = ~SA22018_V1, fillColor = fcols) %>% clearControls() %>% addLegend(position = "topleft", colors = c(tencols, "#808080"), labels = transport.t, opacity = 1, title = "Commute method" ) %>% clearGroup("hpoly") } else { if (input$radioinout == "work") { if (psel) { codvs <- work_simp %>% filter(work_code == selcode) codvs <- codelist %>% left_join(codvs, by=c("sa2_code" = "res_code")) cvals <- ifelse(codvs$total == 0, NA, codvs$total) } else { codvs <- codelist %>% left_join(work_to, by = c("sa2_code" = "work_code")) cvals <- ifelse(codvs$total == 0, NA, codvs$total) } } else { if (psel) { codvs <- work_simp %>% filter(res_code == selcode) codvs <- codelist %>% left_join(codvs, by=c("sa2_code" = "work_code")) cvals <- ifelse(codvs$total == 0, NA, codvs$total) } else { codvs <- codelist %>% left_join(work_from, by = c("sa2_code" = "res_code")) cvals <- ifelse(codvs$total == 0, NA, codvs$total) } } cvr <- range(cvals, na.rm = TRUE) binner <- colorBin(c("white", "red"), cvr, bins = 7, pretty = TRUE) lp <- leafletProxy("map", data = shpf) %>% setShapeStyle(layerId = ~SA22018_V1, fillColor = binner(cvals)) %>% clearControls() %>% addLegend(position = "topleft", pal = binner, values = cvals, opacity = 1, na.label = "None", title = "Number of commuters") %>% clearGroup("hpoly") } } else { # Education code if (input$radiocolour == "type") { if (input$radioinout == "work") { fcols <- if (psel) { codvs <- edu_simp %>% filter(edu_code == selcode) codvs <- codelist %>% left_join(codvs, by=c("sa2_code" = "res_code")) codvs <- tencols[codvs$MAX] fcols <- ifelse(, "#808080", codvs) } } else { fcols <- startcols.edures if (psel) { codvs <- edu_simp %>% filter(res_code == selcode) codvs <- codelist %>% left_join(codvs, by=c("sa2_code" = "edu_code")) codvs <- tencols[codvs$MAX] fcols <- ifelse(, "#808080", codvs) } } lp <- leafletProxy("map", data = shpf) %>% setShapeStyle(layerId = ~SA22018_V1, fillColor = fcols) %>% clearControls() %>% addLegend(position = "topleft", colors = c(tencols, "#808080"), labels = edu.t, opacity = 1, title = "Commute method" ) %>% clearGroup("hpoly") } else { if (input$radioinout == "work") { if (psel) { codvs <- edu_simp %>% filter(edu_code == selcode) codvs <- codelist %>% left_join(codvs, by=c("sa2_code" = "res_code")) cvals <- ifelse(codvs$total == 0, NA, codvs$total) } else { codvs <- codelist %>% left_join(edu_to, by = c("sa2_code" = "edu_code")) cvals <- ifelse(codvs$total == 0, NA, codvs$total) } } else { if (psel) { codvs <- edu_simp %>% filter(res_code == selcode) codvs <- codelist %>% left_join(codvs, by=c("sa2_code" = "edu_code")) cvals <- ifelse(codvs$total == 0, NA, codvs$total) } else { codvs <- codelist %>% left_join(edu_from, by = c("sa2_code" = "res_code")) cvals <- ifelse(codvs$total == 0, NA, codvs$total) } } cvr <- range(cvals, na.rm = TRUE) binner <- colorBin(c("white", "red"), cvr, bins = 7, pretty = TRUE) lp <- leafletProxy("map", data = shpf) %>% setShapeStyle(layerId = ~SA22018_V1, fillColor = binner(cvals)) %>% clearControls() %>% addLegend(position = "topleft", pal = binner, values = cvals, opacity = 1, na.label = "None", title = "Number of commuters") %>% clearGroup("hpoly") } } if (psel) { lp %>% addPolygons(group = "hpoly", weight = 4, data = shpf[which(shpf@data$SA22018_V1 == selcode),], color = "#000000", fill = FALSE, opacity = 1) } shinyjs::hideElement(selector="#loading p", asis=TRUE, anim=TRUE, animType = "slide", time = 1) } observeEvent(input$map_click, ignoreInit = TRUE, { cursel <- sel.SA2.code() p <- input$map_click pdat <- data.frame(Longitude = p$lng, Latitude =p$lat) coordinates(pdat) <- ~ Longitude + Latitude proj4string(pdat) <- proj4string(shpf) ppoly <- over(pdat, shpf) codetmp <- as.numeric(as.character(ppoly[1,"SA22018_V1"])) codetmp <- ifelse(, 0, codetmp) newsl <- ifelse(sel.SA2.code() == codetmp, 0, codetmp) if (newsl != cursel) { sel.SA2.code(newsl) updateMap() } }) observeEvent(input$map_zoom, once=TRUE, { if (!attribupdate) { shinyjs::html(selector=".leaflet-control-attribution.leaflet-control", html = attribhtml) attribupdate <<- TRUE } }) observeEvent(input$map_shape_mouseover, once=TRUE,{ # Backup if (!attribupdate) { shinyjs::html(selector=".leaflet-control-attribution.leaflet-control", html = attribhtml) attribupdate <<- TRUE } }) observeEvent(input$radioeduemp, ignoreInit = TRUE, { updateMap() }) observeEvent(input$radioinout, ignoreInit = TRUE, { updateMap() }) observeEvent(input$infobutton, { print(input$infobutton) }) observeEvent(input$radiocolour, ignoreInit = TRUE, { updateMap() }) observeEvent(input$controlswitch, ignoreInit = TRUE, { shinyjs::toggleElement("mapcontrol", anim=TRUE, time = 0.5) }) observeEvent(input$mapinfobutton, ignoreInit = TRUE, { shinyjs::toggleElement("infopanel", anim=TRUE, time = 0.5) }) output$lochtml <- renderUI({ seled <- sel.SA2.code() seled <- ifelse(, 0, seled) if (!(seled %in% shpf@data$SA22018_V1)) { HTML("") } else { namesel <- shpf@data$SA22018__1[shpf@data$SA22018_V1 == seled] if (input$radioeduemp == "Employment") { if (input$radiocolour == "type") { str <- sprintf("%s", namesel) if (input$radioinout == "work") { str <- sprintf("

Commuting method of people who work in %s

", str) vals <- as.numeric(work_to[work_to$work_code == seled, 5:15]) vals <- ifelse(, 0, vals) vals <- ifelse(vals < 0, "~0", as.character(vals)) listi <- paste0(sprintf("
  • %s: %s
  • ", cols.labs, vals), collapse="") str <- paste0(hrstr, str, "") } else { str <- sprintf("

    Commuting method of people who live in %s

    ", str) vals <- as.numeric(work_from[work_from$res_code == seled, 5:15]) vals <- ifelse(, 0, vals) vals <- ifelse(vals < 0, "~0", as.character(vals)) listi <- paste0(sprintf("
  • %s: %s
  • ", cols.labs, vals), collapse="") str <- paste0(hrstr, str, "") } HTML(str) } else { str <- hrstr if (input$radioinout == "work") { val <- as.numeric(work_to[work_to$work_code == seled, 15]) val <- ifelse(, 0, ifelse(val < 0, 0, val)) str <- sprintf("%s

    %d people commute to employment in %s

    ", str, val, namesel) if (val > 0) { subs <- work_simp %>% filter(work_code == seled) %>% arrange(desc(total)) %>% head(10) listi <- paste0(sprintf("
  • %s: %s
  • ", subs$res_name, subs$total), collapse="") str <- sprintf("%s

    Top areas to commute from:

    ", str, listi) } } else { val <- as.numeric(work_from[work_from$res_code == seled, 15]) val <- ifelse(, 0, ifelse(val < 0, 0, val)) str <- sprintf("%s

    %d people commute to employment from %s

    ", str, val, namesel) if (val > 0) { subs <- work_simp %>% filter(res_code == seled) %>% arrange(desc(total)) %>% head(10) listi <- paste0(sprintf("
  • %s: %s
  • ", subs$work_name, subs$total), collapse="") str <- sprintf("%s

    Top areas to commute to:

    ", str, listi) } } HTML(str) } } else { if (input$radiocolour == "type") { str <- sprintf("%s", namesel) if (input$radioinout == "work") { str <- sprintf("

    Commuting method of people who commute to education in %s

    ", str) vals <- as.numeric(edu_to[edu_to$edu_code == seled, 5:15]) vals <- ifelse(, 0, vals) vals <- ifelse(vals < 0, "~0", as.character(vals)) listi <- paste0(sprintf("
  • %s: %s
  • ",, vals), collapse="") str <- paste0(hrstr, str, "") } else { str <- sprintf("

    Commuting method to education of people who live in %s

    ", str) vals <- as.numeric(edu_from[edu_from$res_code == seled, 5:15]) vals <- ifelse(, 0, vals) vals <- ifelse(vals < 0, "~0", as.character(vals)) listi <- paste0(sprintf("
  • %s: %s
  • ",, vals), collapse="") str <- paste0(hrstr, str, "") } } else { str <- hrstr if (input$radioinout == "work") { val <- as.numeric(edu_to[edu_to$edu_code == seled, 15]) val <- ifelse(, 0, ifelse(val < 0, 0, val)) str <- sprintf("%s

    %d people commute to education in %s

    ", str, val, namesel) if (val > 0) { subs <- edu_simp %>% filter(edu_code == seled) %>% arrange(desc(total)) %>% head(10) listi <- paste0(sprintf("
  • %s: %s
  • ", subs$res_name, subs$total), collapse="") str <- sprintf("%s

    Top areas to commute from:

    ", str, listi) } } else { val <- as.numeric(edu_from[edu_from$res_code == seled, 15]) val <- ifelse(, 0, ifelse(val < 0, 0, val)) str <- sprintf("%s

    %d people commute to education from %s

    ", str, val, namesel) if (val > 0) { subs <- edu_simp %>% filter(res_code == seled) %>% arrange(desc(total)) %>% head(10) listi <- paste0(sprintf("
  • %s: %s
  • ", subs$edu_name, subs$total), collapse="") str <- sprintf("%s

    Top areas to commute to:

    ", str, listi) } } } HTML(str) } } }) output$secondarylochtml <- renderUI({ curshp <- mouseover() cursel <- sel.SA2.code() if (curshp == 0) { if (cursel == 0) { HTML(paste0(hrstr, "

    No area selected. Click on an area for more information.

    ")) } else { HTML("") } } else { shpname <- shpf@data$SA22018__1[curshp == shpf@data$SA22018_V1] if (cursel == 0) { if (input$radioeduemp == "Employment") { if (input$radioinout == "res") { fdf <- work_from %>% filter(res_code == curshp) tot <- ifelse(nrow(fdf) == 0, 0, fdf$total) ttype <- ifelse($MAX) || nrow(fdf) == 0, 0, fdf$MAX) pmp <- "" if (ttype != 0) { pmp <- sprintf("Primary mode of transport: %s", transport.t[ttype]) } HTML(sprintf("%s

    %d people commute to employment from %s. %s

    ", hrstr, tot, shpname, pmp)) } else { fdf <- work_to %>% filter(work_code == curshp) tot <- ifelse(nrow(fdf) == 0, 0, fdf$total) ttype <- ifelse($MAX) || nrow(fdf) == 0, 0, fdf$MAX) pmp <- "" if (ttype != 0) { pmp <- sprintf("Primary mode of transport: %s", transport.t[ttype]) } HTML(sprintf("%s

    %d people commute to employment in %s. %s

    ", hrstr, tot, shpname, pmp)) } } else { if (input$radioinout == "res") { fdf <- edu_from %>% filter(res_code == curshp) tot <- ifelse(nrow(fdf) == 0, 0, fdf$total) ttype <- ifelse($MAX) || nrow(fdf) == 0, 0, fdf$MAX) pmp <- "" if (ttype != 0) { pmp <- sprintf("Primary mode of transport: %s", edu.t[ttype]) } HTML(sprintf("%s

    %d people commute to education from %s. %s

    ", hrstr, tot, shpname, pmp)) } else { fdf <- edu_to %>% filter(edu_code == curshp) tot <- ifelse(nrow(fdf) == 0, 0, fdf$total) ttype <- ifelse($MAX) || nrow(fdf) == 0, 0, fdf$MAX) pmp <- "" if (ttype != 0) { pmp <- sprintf("Primary mode of transport: %s", edu.t[ttype]) } HTML(sprintf("%s

    %d people commute to education in %s. %s

    ", hrstr, tot, shpname, pmp)) } } } else { shpname.0 <- shpf@data$SA22018__1[cursel == shpf@data$SA22018_V1] if (input$radioeduemp == "Employment") { if (input$radioinout == "res") { fdf <- work_simp %>% filter(res_code == cursel, work_code == curshp) tot <- ifelse(nrow(fdf) == 0, 0, fdf$total) ttype <- ifelse($MAX) || nrow(fdf) == 0, 0, fdf$MAX) pmp <- "" if (ttype != 0) { pmp <- sprintf("Primary mode of transport: %s", transport.t[ttype]) } HTML(sprintf("%s

    %d people commute to employment in %s from %s. %s

    ", hrstr, tot, shpname, shpname.0, pmp)) } else { fdf <- work_simp %>% filter(work_code == cursel, res_code == curshp) tot <- ifelse(nrow(fdf) == 0, 0, fdf$total) ttype <- ifelse($MAX) || nrow(fdf) == 0, 0, fdf$MAX) pmp <- "" if (ttype != 0) { pmp <- sprintf("Primary mode of transport: %s", transport.t[ttype]) } HTML(sprintf("%s

    %d people commute to employment in %s from %s. %s

    ", hrstr, tot, shpname.0, shpname, pmp)) } } else { if (input$radioinout == "res") { fdf <- edu_simp %>% filter(res_code == cursel, edu_code == curshp) tot <- ifelse(nrow(fdf) == 0, 0, fdf$total) ttype <- ifelse($MAX) || nrow(fdf) == 0, 0, fdf$MAX) pmp <- "" if (ttype != 0) { pmp <- sprintf("Primary mode of transport: %s", edu.t[ttype]) } HTML(sprintf("%s

    %d people commute to education in %s from %s. %s

    ", hrstr, tot, shpname, shpname.0, pmp)) } else { fdf <- edu_simp %>% filter(edu_code == cursel, res_code == curshp) tot <- ifelse(nrow(fdf) == 0, 0, fdf$total) ttype <- ifelse($MAX) || nrow(fdf) == 0, 0, fdf$MAX) pmp <- "" if (ttype != 0) { pmp <- sprintf("Primary mode of transport: %s", edu.t[ttype]) } HTML(sprintf("%s

    %d people commute to education in %s from %s. %s

    ", hrstr, tot, shpname.0, shpname, pmp)) } } } } }) } # Run the application shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)