# Process csv data into an RData file to be loaded by the shiny application library(readr) library(dplyr) education_travel <- read_csv("travel-education.csv") work_travel <- read_csv("travel-work.csv") work_travel %>% select( res_code = SA2_code_usual_residence_address, res_name = SA2_name_usual_residence_address, res_east = SA2_usual_residence_easting, res_north = SA2_usual_residence_northing, work_code = SA2_code_workplace_address, work_name = SA2_name_workplace_address, work_east = SA2_workplace_easting, work_north = SA2_workplace_northing, private = Drive_a_private_car_truck_or_van, passenger = Passenger_in_a_car_truck_van_or_company_bus, walk = Walk_or_jog, bicycle = Bicycle, company = Drive_a_company_car_truck_or_van, bus = Public_bus, train = Train, ferry = Ferry, other = Other, home = Work_at_home, total = Total ) -> work_simp work_simp %>% group_by(res_code, res_name, res_east, res_north) %>% summarise( private = sum(ifelse(private < 0, 0, private)), passenger = sum(ifelse(passenger < 0, 0, passenger)), walk = sum(ifelse(walk < 0, 0, walk)), bicycle = sum(ifelse(bicycle < 0, 0, bicycle)), company = sum(ifelse(company < 0, 0, company)), bus = sum(ifelse(bus < 0, 0, bus)), train = sum(ifelse(train < 0, 0, train)), ferry = sum(ifelse(ferry < 0, 0, ferry)), other = sum(ifelse(other < 0, 0, other)), home = sum(ifelse(home < 0, 0, home)), total = sum(ifelse(total < 0, 0, total)), .groups="drop" ) -> work_from work_simp %>% group_by(work_code, work_name, work_east, work_north) %>% summarise( private = sum(ifelse(private < 0, 0, private)), passenger = sum(ifelse(passenger < 0, 0, passenger)), walk = sum(ifelse(walk < 0, 0, walk)), bicycle = sum(ifelse(bicycle < 0, 0, bicycle)), company = sum(ifelse(company < 0, 0, company)), bus = sum(ifelse(bus < 0, 0, bus)), train = sum(ifelse(train < 0, 0, train)), ferry = sum(ifelse(ferry < 0, 0, ferry)), other = sum(ifelse(other < 0, 0, other)), home = sum(ifelse(home < 0, 0, home)), total = sum(ifelse(total < 0, 0, total)), .groups="drop" ) -> work_to edu_simp <- education_travel %>% select( res_code = SA2_code_usual_residence_address, res_name = SA2_name_usual_residence_address, res_east = SA2_usual_residence_easting, res_north = SA2_usual_residence_northing, edu_code = SA2_code_educational_address, edu_name = SA2_name_educational_address, edu_east = SA2_educational_easting, edu_north = SA2_educational_northing, drive = Drive_a_car_truck_or_van, passenger = Passenger_in_a_car_truck_or_van, walk = Walk_or_jog, bicycle = Bicycle, scholbus = School_bus, pubbus = Public_bus, train = Train, ferry = Ferry, other = Other, home = Study_at_home, total = Total ) edu_simp %>% group_by(res_code, res_name, res_east, res_north) %>% summarise( drive = sum(ifelse(drive < 0, 0, drive)), passenger = sum(ifelse(passenger < 0, 0, passenger)), walk = sum(ifelse(walk < 0, 0, walk)), bicycle = sum(ifelse(bicycle < 0, 0, bicycle)), scholbus = sum(ifelse(scholbus < 0, 0, scholbus)), pubbus = sum(ifelse(pubbus < 0, 0, pubbus)), train = sum(ifelse(train < 0, 0, train)), ferry = sum(ifelse(ferry < 0, 0, ferry)), other = sum(ifelse(other < 0, 0, other)), home = sum(ifelse(home < 0, 0, home)), total = sum(ifelse(total < 0, 0, total)), .groups="drop" ) -> edu_from edu_simp %>% group_by(edu_code, edu_name, edu_east, edu_north) %>% summarise( drive = sum(ifelse(drive < 0, 0, drive)), passenger = sum(ifelse(passenger < 0, 0, passenger)), walk = sum(ifelse(walk < 0, 0, walk)), bicycle = sum(ifelse(bicycle < 0, 0, bicycle)), scholbus = sum(ifelse(scholbus < 0, 0, scholbus)), pubbus = sum(ifelse(pubbus < 0, 0, pubbus)), train = sum(ifelse(train < 0, 0, train)), ferry = sum(ifelse(ferry < 0, 0, ferry)), other = sum(ifelse(other < 0, 0, other)), home = sum(ifelse(home < 0, 0, home)), total = sum(ifelse(total < 0, 0, total)), .groups="drop" ) -> edu_to tencols <- c("#f85654", "#e31a1c", "#1f78b4", "#6a3d9a", "#b2df8a", "#33a02c", "#fdbf6f", "#ff7f00", "#cab2d6", "#af8ac1") work_from$MAX <- work_from %>% select(private:home) %>% as.matrix() %>% apply(1, function(x) { ifelse(max(x) <= 0, NA, which.max(x)) }) work_to$MAX <- work_to %>% select(private:home) %>% as.matrix() %>% apply(1, function(x) { ifelse(max(x) <= 0, NA, which.max(x)) }) work_simp$MAX <- work_simp %>% select(private:home) %>% as.matrix() %>% apply(1, function(x) { ifelse(max(x) <= 0, NA, which.max(x)) }) edu_from$MAX <- edu_from %>% select(drive:home) %>% as.matrix() %>% apply(1, function(x) { ifelse(max(x) <= 0, NA, which.max(x)) }) edu_to$MAX <- edu_to %>% select(drive:home) %>% as.matrix() %>% apply(1, function(x) { ifelse(max(x) <= 0, NA, which.max(x)) }) edu_simp$MAX <- edu_simp %>% select(drive:home) %>% as.matrix() %>% apply(1, function(x) { ifelse(max(x) <= 0, NA, which.max(x)) }) save(work_simp, work_to, work_from, edu_simp, edu_to, edu_from, tencols, file="viz/datasets.RData")