from argparse import ArgumentParser, FileType import numpy as np import pandas as p import statsmodels.formula.api as smf import datetime as dt import pickle from pymodels import thirtyoffset, predweather, harmonic from pprint import pprint from util import datevalid from signal import signal, SIGPIPE, SIG_DFL def preddemand(model, weather, harmonics): harmstart = thirtyoffset(weather.index.min()) utv = weather.index harmlen = len(utv) yharm = harmonic(harmlen, period=365.25 * 48, start=harmstart, harmonics=harmonics[0], prefix="y") yharm.index = utv wharm = harmonic(harmlen, period=7 * 48, start=harmstart, harmonics=harmonics[1], prefix="w") wharm.index = utv dharm = harmonic(harmlen, period=48, start=harmstart, harmonics=harmonics[2], prefix="d") dharm.index = utv df = p.concat([yharm, wharm, dharm, weather], axis = 1) return model.predict(df) def main(): parser = ArgumentParser(description= 'Predict from harmonic model of cluster') parser.add_argument("-m", "--model-file", dest="model_file", help="filename for models", required = True, type=FileType('rb')) parser.add_argument("-w", "--weather", dest="weather_file", help="input weather pickle path", required=False, type=FileType('rb')) parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", dest="output_file", help="file to save result", required=True, type=FileType('w')) parser.add_argument("-t", "--temperature", dest="temp", help = "min and max temperature, if not using " "weather dataset, e.g. 2.0 10.5", required=False, type=float, nargs=2) parser.add_argument("-s", "--start-date", dest = "startdate", help = "start date for prediction; format: YYYY-MM-DD; default: 2018-01-01", metavar="START_DATE", required = True, type = datevalid) parser.add_argument("-e", "--end-date", dest = "enddate", help = "end date for prediction; format: YYYY-MM-DD; default: 2018-02-01", metavar="END_DATE", required = True, type = datevalid) parser.add_argument("-c", "--cluster", dest = "cluster", help = "cluster to predict for", type = int, required = True) parser.add_argument("--csv", help="output as csv", action="store_true") args = parser.parse_args() if args.temp is None and args.weather_file is None: parser.error("Either the temperature range or a weather " "dataset must be specified") mods = pickle.load(args.model_file) if args.cluster not in mods["clusters"]: parser.error(f"cluster ('{args.cluster}') not in model") wdat = [] if args.weather_file is not None: weather = p.read_pickle(args.weather_file) if (args.startdate < weather['temp_timestamp'].min() or args.enddate > weather['temp_timestamp'].max()): parser.error("Start and or end date not in supplied weather dataset") wantedtimes = p.date_range(args.startdate, args.enddate, freq="30 min") wantedtimes = p.Series(wantedtimes.round(freq="30 min")) wanteddf = p.DataFrame(index=wantedtimes) weather = wanteddf.join(weather.set_index(['temp_timestamp']), how='left').drop('temp_date', axis=1) = "read_time" weather = weather.fillna(method='ffill', axis=0) # Add rolling columns weather['min_rolling'] = weather['tmin_c'].rolling("1D").min() weather['max_rolling'] = weather['tmax_c'].rolling("1D").max() wharmstart = thirtyoffset(weather.index.min()) wharm = harmonic(weather.shape[0], period=365.25 * 48, start=wharmstart, harmonics=mods["weather_harmonics"]) wharm.index = wantedtimes pred_max = weather['max_rolling'] - mods["max_temp"].predict(wharm) pred_min = weather['min_rolling'] - mods["min_temp"].predict(wharm) wdat = p.DataFrame({ "max_resid": pred_max, "min_resid": pred_min }) else: mint = min(args.temp) maxt = max(args.temp) pred_max = maxt - predweather(mods["max_temp"], args.startdate, args.enddate, harmonics = mods["weather_harmonics"]) pred_min = mint - predweather(mods["min_temp"], args.startdate, args.enddate, harmonics = mods["weather_harmonics"]) wdat = p.DataFrame({ "max_resid": pred_max, "min_resid": pred_min }) dpred = p.DataFrame( { "predicted": preddemand(mods["icp"][args.cluster], wdat, mods["icp_harmonics"]) }) if args.csv: signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_DFL) # Prevent broken pipe errors when piping to less or head dpred.to_csv(args.output_file) else: dpred.to_pickle(args.output_file) args.model_file.close() if args.weather_file is not None: args.weather_file.close() if __name__ == "__main__": main()