Geocoding of publicly-available GP practice location in New Zealand

  1. osm_api.R
  2. # ---> R
  3. # RStudio project files
  4. *.Rproj
  5. # History files
  6. .Rhistory
  7. .Rapp.history
  8. # Session Data files
  9. .RData
  10. # Example code in package build process
  11. *-Ex.R
  12. # Output files from R CMD build
  13. /*.tar.gz
  14. # Output files from R CMD check
  15. /*.Rcheck/
  16. # RStudio files
  17. .Rproj.user/
  18. # produced vignettes
  19. vignettes/*.html
  20. vignettes/*.pdf
  21. # OAuth2 token, see
  22. .httr-oauth
  23. # knitr and R markdown default cache directories
  24. /*_cache/
  25. /cache/
  26. # Temporary files created by R markdown
  27. *
  28. *
  29. # ---> Vim
  30. # swap
  31. [._]*.s[a-v][a-z]
  32. [._]*.sw[a-p]
  33. [._]s[a-v][a-z]
  34. [._]sw[a-p]
  35. # session
  36. Session.vim
  37. # temporary
  38. .netrwhist
  39. *~
  40. # auto-generated tag files
  41. tags